Happy New Year 2012

VOL. 2 # 1

Everyone at “enjoyablegardening.com” wishes all our customers, friends, and subscribers a very Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe another new year has gone by, at this time of the year people review the past year, both the good and the bad. At the same time we wonder what the new year will bring, wishing the New Year will be better than the last. With this newsletter I’d like to offer you some thoughts regarding your home and garden, and how they can make your life more beneficial, and rewarding.

Since 2007-2008 we have lived through a period of time not seen since the Great Depression, high unemployment, with few jobs available, lost earning power, people feeling down, sick to their stomach, wondering when will things get better, ( NORMAL ). It would seem that the new normal will be quite different than the old one! If that was it, it would be more than enough, but it’s not, homes have been lost, many more under water, many with no chance of recovering soon, home values have falling to new lows and no one knows for sure when the tide will change for the better. WHAT TO DO !

American’s have been though tough times before, and although difficult we always get back on track. If you own your home, rent, or have a condo, what better place to relax, and think of easy ways to do it. If you rent or have a condo this is the time to think about a garden (no not a big back yard type) find a spot near a window, you’ll need sun, go on line, look over the catalogs, maybe seed for flowers, vegetables, whatever you enjoy. You can make a garden bed or buy one. A little soil, nothing complicated, set up something simple, get it together, and watch yourself and mother nature work a miracle. Let the kids have a part too, they absolutely love watching the seeds sprout. It won’t cost much and in a few months, it can be flowers, vegetables, or whatever will start to reward you. Relax and enjoy a simple pleasure.

If you own your home and have a garden, you know now’s the time to start planning, if you have no garden ( why not ) I don’t mean you need a big one! How about one the size of a sheet of plywood 4×8 start one now ! I know you’re on line, you’re here, like the other folks, read up, review catalogs, and plan your spot, I assure you this will become a special time. Depending where you live weather wise, you can start today! If you’re up north you can do what the condo/renters are doing! In either case get started, there is no more relaxing time than gardening, and won’t cost much money.

The economic condition will improve and it will get better, consider a garden, even on your window sill, plus talk to someone who has a garden, get their input, you’ll be sold. Most important relax and enjoy the time planning your garden, and watch it grow.

This is a good time to look at “enjoyablegardening.com” have a seat relax and check out what we offer plus our affiliates. Imagine in a year or two when things are better, gardening will be part of your life and relaxing in your garden will offer special moments alone or with family and friends.